Beneficial Botanical Extracts

Lion's Mane

While delicious on its own, with a delicate flavor resembling that of lobster, Lion’s Mane also contains powerhouse compounds like β-glucan, hericenones, and erinacines


A parasitic fungus, cordyceps are a powerhouse used the world over for increasing endurance and energy. Along with loads of polysaccharides, these fungi contain unique cordycepin compounds.


Reishi (Lingzhi) is a polypore fungus native to East Asia. Full of phytochemicals including triterpines and polysaccharides, it has long been used as a tea to combat stress.


An herb that has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for anxiety, stress, and insomnia. Kava contains kavalactones, which are believed to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep quality.


Chaga usually refers to a clump of mycelium (sclerotium) of the fungus and not a fruiting body as in other cases. Containing loads of beneficial compounds such as antioxidants and triterpenes.

Turkey Tail

A polypore mushroom, Turkey Tail contains polyphenols, flavonoids, and fungisterols. People who take it are often after an immune boost from its various compounds like polysaccharide peptide and polysaccharide krestin.